Before You Start
About Images and Scale
For best results, save graphic images to
your desktop.
To Save Images:
Windows: Right
click on the image and save as a desktop file in your folder
of choice.
Macintosh: Click
on the image and choose"save this image as....." or
if using a Netscape Browser
or a newer version of Internet Explorer, just drag the image
to your desktop.
Printing Images to Scale:
Windows users may find
these images smaller than intended when printed. You'll need
to enlarge the downloaded images on your printer to preserve
1:12 scale. The graphics
on this site were designed on Macintosh. Mac graphics use 72
pixels/inch. That's less than the100 pixels/inch used by other
pcs. Because of this, some adjustments will be needed if you're
using a Windows oriented PC .
Whether you print these projects
with Windows or Mac, be aware that individual printers also vary.
Before printing, please "preview" the picture on your
printer to insure that the entire image will be printed. Reset
printing margins or reduce/enlarge the image size as needed.
To save time, effort, materials,
and ink, print the TEST
GIF available below
to help scale the site's graphics to your computer and printer.
Print on standard paper, 8.5" x 11", using standard
1" margins and 100% size. Measure the printed inch line.
Enlarge/reduce your printer settings until the line measures
exactly one inch. Then use that figure to adjust the rest of
the graphics downloaded from this site before printing.
Most GIFs on this site were
designed to print on a standard sheet of paper using standard
printer margins (see above). An inch/centimeter guideline is
also included on most projects to help you print to intended
scale. You may be able to easily resize to scale by selecting
the "print to fit page" option on your printer if that's
available. Some Windows users have found setting the printer
to enlarge by about 138% works well.
Printing on Paper: Light
colored papers work best. Use card stock or light cardboard for
sturdiness. Heavy manilla file folders can also be used but their
darker color will affect printing results. Some of the smaller
projects can be printed on large index cards and is noted under
the project description.
Don't overlook an inexpensive supply of printing
materials. Recycled greeting cards and light boxes can often
be used. Lightweight cardboard packaging from things like dry
cereals can work very well. The unprinted inside surface can
be used for printing. Boxes with white or light colored insides
give the best results. Cut boxes to size with a straight edge
being careful to keep edges square. The common carpenter's tool
known as a T-square will help.
Printing on Fabric with your computer:
Cut a sheet of freezer wrap 8.5 x
11 inches and iron, wax side down, to muslin or similar weight
fabric. Iron should be set on medium hot to hot setting, steam
off. Cut fabric to size of freezer wrap. Remove loose threads.
Print just as you would for regular paper making sure fabric
side is up when loading in printer. Peel off paper backing when
ink has dried.
Computer printed fabric is NOT colorfast.