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Blue 'Plate Specials
'View Source' of my custom templates

How I Customized My Tripod Blog
Need ideas for customizing your blog? Look inside the Fridge for how-tos using Tripod blog templates and the 'Advanced Customization' tools. Some knowledge of basic HTML and CSS will be useful.
I'm just starting to work with CSS. Customizing my blog has been a good learning experience. If you'd like to try some customizing and need more help, leave a comment under the entry. If you have something in mind not covered here, post it under 'How Do I ....?'. Maybe we can figure it out together. -chris
Sunday, 4 April 2004
Change Link Color on Mouse Hover
Mood:  sharp
Template: Stylesheet (style.btpl)
Topic: Link Tricks
'Advanced Customization' ---> Stylesheet (style.btpl)

Another easy one. Read the previous blog entry for more detail on link classes and 'flavors' if needed. Just change the word 'active' in the active link flavor to 'hover' in each class of links you want to change.

To add hover to the a.timeLink class....

a.timeLink:active {

a.timeLink:hover {

<BLOG_VAR LINK_COLOR> are the colors set in the 'Appearances' control panel. Make sure a different color is set for normal, active and visited links.

<BLOG_VAR LINK_COLOR> can be replaced in the stylesheet with a colorname or color hex number like this.....
color: #ffffcc;

or this.....
color: hotpink;

There's a link to a chart of accepted CSS colornames on the left side panel of this blog.

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