How I Customized My Tripod Blog ‹ Profile
Name: Chris
E-mail: no email please. Just blog it
Location: 'The State of Independence' Pennsylvania, USA
zodiac sign: Pisces
Bio: I'm a grandmother and html hobbyist. Some of you may know me as doodle on the Tripod Community Help Blog. All of my still growing web building knowledge has come the hard way... by just jumping in and learning from my own mistakes.
My small personal website of scaled printable dollhouse projects contains graphics created by me with a Mac and is visited by thousands around the world each month. That anyone at all is interested in my personal site is more than a little surprising to me! Building and maintaining my web site has been interesting and fun.
My site has been hosted by Tripod since it's beginning in early 2001. I enjoy using Tripod's blog builder and experimenting with it's customization tools. If I can do it so can you :). Happy blogging and building! -chris
Interests: Everything.... really
Blog Created: Friday, 26 March 2004
Last Updated: Wednesday, 9 February 2011 - 07:14 EST
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