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This graphic will print on a large index card. Use the unprinted surface of a recycled greeting card for a sturdier box.

Fill the box with tiny ornaments made from jewelry findings, beads, or fimo. Make several boxes to store all your tiny Christmas treasures.

Glass ornaments were once considered a sign of wealth. Prosperous households owned and used as many as a tree could hold.

History Of Shiny Brite

Worried a European war might cut off the supply of German glass ornaments, US importer Max Eckhardt joined with the Corning Glass Company to mass produce ornaments under the "Shiny Brite" name. At peak, Corning produced as many as 2,000 ornaments per hour on machines once used to manufacture light bulbs.

Production for the Shiny Brite company began in 1937 and lasted well into the 1950's. This box is just one of many that packaged these vintage American made bulbs. Costing just pennies a piece, many millions were sold. Today both the ornaments and boxes are prized by collectors.

Shiny Brite is now a registered trademark of Christopher Radko who has again begun producing these much loved family treasures of yesteryear.

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